Nowadays, I realized most of guys and girls like to wear ripped t-shirt, jeans, sweaters, and shorts. Guys what do u think of the new style (habah)? like:
1- Dirty and torn jeans

2- Ripped sweater

3- caps

4- Skirts

Guys Tell me your openion about this new st6yle =P
It's just another way for kids to piss off their parents
Zaydoun, at 2:37 PM
zedani o zaydoon!...allah yzeedkum enshalla o yzeedna weyakum
about el new habba i dunno el 9ra7a...i think its not bad if compared to spiky hair style and the ultra extra gel
keep going:)
Mohammad Al-Yousifi, at 3:55 PM
Thank you Zaydoun and kila ma6goog to show ur openion. I agree with u zaydoun(the new habahs bas 7ag ba6at chapd el 'ahal). I donno what's the good advantage for this new (hapah).ehdoom emshgegah o em7lyah shenow el7alat feeha. lol... maybe the good things for the new hapah are:
1- you don't need to clean them anymore.
2- you dont worry if ur jeans has been torn.
3- you can use ur old jeans (if they fit on>(Towfeer)lool.
4- you dont have to buy very expensive torn jeans. Just go to (souqe el gem3ah, elma7ameed, el basha...etc)and buy some
Zeidani, at 6:41 PM
lol!!!ComBatterV, thoses cloths aren't mine I took them from some websites. the average price of these jeans is about 28 KD. By the way, thank you.
Zeidani, at 9:08 PM
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