I've been stolen by a FROG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today it was a warm day, so I left the window of my room open for a while. As a result, while I'm doing my homework asignments, a frog sneak into my room and STOLE some stuff from me .... Do you believe it? .. I know its sound like crazy. However, I have some pics that prove that:

I took this picture while frogy trying to steal my quarters.. =(

frogy was thinking to steal my watch too .... errrrrrr O.o

At last, the thief has been caught before frogy ran away yahoo!!! lol
I love eating frog legs,if you know what I'm saying !!!
Chai-7aleeb, at 4:16 AM
LOL Chai-7aleeb ... OK
Zeidani, at 5:15 AM
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