New Kind of way to Xpress emotions
/wave guys, I found out that bloggers can't express their emotions because there aren't much emotes. As a result, I found out a new kind of Emotes form an online game, Final Fantasy 11. These Emotes are very interesting to use. How about we use them in our blog world? Here is the list of emotes:
/amazed = O.o!!, AyShay!!!, La Walla!!! ... etc
/angry = eerrrrrr
/blush = shy, embarrassed, ...etc
/cheer = encourage
/clap = tesherbick
/comfort = patting someone to makes him/her feel better
/disgusted = we3!!!!, eeew!!
/fume = te7el6oum, to be very angry, sometimes without expressing it
/goodbye = bye, m3ah salamah ... etc
/huh = shinow!!, used to show that you have not heard or understood something
/joy = happy, yeah!!!
/laugh = lol, rofl, ...etc
/mute = enchi3em or encha3may, chap, esket or sektay, shut up!! LOL
/nod = yes, I agree
/shocked = ouffff!!!!! O.O!!
/stare = '7azeeee, Staring O.O
/wave = hi, salam, ...etc
/welcome = you r welcome, welcome to my blog ...etc
/amazed = O.o!!, AyShay!!!, La Walla!!! ... etc
/angry = eerrrrrr
/blush = shy, embarrassed, ...etc
/cheer = encourage
/clap = tesherbick
/comfort = patting someone to makes him/her feel better
/disgusted = we3!!!!, eeew!!
/fume = te7el6oum, to be very angry, sometimes without expressing it
/goodbye = bye, m3ah salamah ... etc
/huh = shinow!!, used to show that you have not heard or understood something
/joy = happy, yeah!!!
/laugh = lol, rofl, ...etc
/mute = enchi3em or encha3may, chap, esket or sektay, shut up!! LOL
/nod = yes, I agree
/shocked = ouffff!!!!! O.O!!
/stare = '7azeeee, Staring O.O
/wave = hi, salam, ...etc
/welcome = you r welcome, welcome to my blog ...etc
aham shy
disgusted = weeeeee3
Q8-eye, at 11:28 AM
/wave q8-eye .dont forget the "/" is very important /laugh
Zeidani, at 2:10 PM
combatterv: hmmm i'll take the last 3 emotes lol
Zeidani, at 8:06 AM
Wooooooooow .. nICE bLOG :D ..
an so on the Post ..
Thank u for these info's ;)
Anonymous, at 10:59 PM
and *
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM
Breeze: I glad you liked it /smile
Zeidani, at 2:13 PM
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Zeidani, at 2:13 PM
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