Zeidani's fitness center Quest O.o?

LOL ... GUYs Yesterday, I joined at Fitness which located in tough location; this fitness is located at the end of the street where "A LOTS" of Junky fast-food restaurants!! were placed there. As a result, everyday, I have a tough "Quest" which I have to go to that Gym through this street. The quest gets more harder when I got hungry (o.O)" eeerrrrr

treat urself kilweekend ekhith take out mn wa7ed mnhuuM ;p
um-miT3ib, at 12:42 AM
nahh.. if i want to take out i'll go to resturant suck as applebee's, Chilie's, ... etc
thanx alot um-miD3aab for the tip and welcome to the blog =)
Zeidani, at 1:10 AM
lo ana minik .. first a5ith min DQ ba3dain Mcdonalds ba3dain burger king ba3dain Hardeez ba3dain aro7 ahathim all of that bilfitness .. o winta 6ali3 itha tmir ib the same street! ta5ith dessert! bes 3an il bal3a ta5ith bes min 1 place only !! LooOl :P
Anonymous, at 8:46 AM
LOOOOOL!!! sambooosa, eshnowya 3alai ... Ma a6la3 men my apratment's door men elmetin =( o ba3ad tambene akel dessert.
Zeidani, at 9:02 AM
thanx for you advice combatterv!!
Zeidani, at 8:08 AM
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