Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
New Kind of way to Xpress emotions
/amazed = O.o!!, AyShay!!!, La Walla!!! ... etc
/angry = eerrrrrr
/blush = shy, embarrassed, ...etc
/cheer = encourage
/clap = tesherbick
/comfort = patting someone to makes him/her feel better
/disgusted = we3!!!!, eeew!!
/fume = te7el6oum, to be very angry, sometimes without expressing it
/goodbye = bye, m3ah salamah ... etc
/huh = shinow!!, used to show that you have not heard or understood something
/joy = happy, yeah!!!
/laugh = lol, rofl, ...etc
/mute = enchi3em or encha3may, chap, esket or sektay, shut up!! LOL
/nod = yes, I agree
/shocked = ouffff!!!!! O.O!!
/stare = '7azeeee, Staring O.O
/wave = hi, salam, ...etc
/welcome = you r welcome, welcome to my blog ...etc
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Zeidani's fitness center Quest O.o?

LOL ... GUYs Yesterday, I joined at Fitness which located in tough location; this fitness is located at the end of the street where "A LOTS" of Junky fast-food restaurants!! were placed there. As a result, everyday, I have a tough "Quest" which I have to go to that Gym through this street. The quest gets more harder when I got hungry (o.O)" eeerrrrr

Thursday, November 02, 2006
!!!!!!!! Kuwait's Mega Project !!!!!!!!!
On 31/03/05 Kuwait announced plans for Madinat Al Hareer (City of Silk) that cost 25 billion KD = $73 billion and the will take 25 years, 6-8 years for first step.
As you see, this is a picture of Kuwait's bay where Kuwait City is located on the southern side of the bay and Kuwait's mega project "Silk City" is located on the northern side. I took this picture from Google earth and I added the project on the picture. The project LOOKS ROCK!! Moreover; the New City location is really amazing with located on "Sabeya or 9abeya" desert.
Is not clear but I think the city include 6 cities. Beside these 6 cities, there are some cities I'm not sure about them: Media city and industrial city. Here some pics on the six cities

In the Business City's downtown there is a skyscraper called "Mubarak Tower". The height of this tower will be about 1001 meters height, so it will be higher than "Dubai Tower" here a picture for those towers:

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Fadl Shaker Newest Album "Allah A3lam"

Hey guys, Fadl Shaker has released his newest album this year which called "Allah A3lam". This album is including the song "Akhethny Ma3ak" faturing Yara. If you want listen to his album, here are the album songs enjoy:
1. Ensa Eli Ra7
2. Elly Enta Shayfou
3. Allah A3lam
4. Ana Ba7ibak eKthear
5. Qalbie 3ayish
6. '3ayib 3ney Leih
7. La7thet Louaa
8. Kont Mifakar
9. Bousnie W Salihnie
10. Embarih Bilail
11. Wada3atack
12. Akhtheny Ma3ak (feat. Yara)