Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
New Kind of way to Xpress emotions
/amazed = O.o!!, AyShay!!!, La Walla!!! ... etc
/angry = eerrrrrr
/blush = shy, embarrassed, ...etc
/cheer = encourage
/clap = tesherbick
/comfort = patting someone to makes him/her feel better
/disgusted = we3!!!!, eeew!!
/fume = te7el6oum, to be very angry, sometimes without expressing it
/goodbye = bye, m3ah salamah ... etc
/huh = shinow!!, used to show that you have not heard or understood something
/joy = happy, yeah!!!
/laugh = lol, rofl, ...etc
/mute = enchi3em or encha3may, chap, esket or sektay, shut up!! LOL
/nod = yes, I agree
/shocked = ouffff!!!!! O.O!!
/stare = '7azeeee, Staring O.O
/wave = hi, salam, ...etc
/welcome = you r welcome, welcome to my blog ...etc
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Zeidani's fitness center Quest O.o?

LOL ... GUYs Yesterday, I joined at Fitness which located in tough location; this fitness is located at the end of the street where "A LOTS" of Junky fast-food restaurants!! were placed there. As a result, everyday, I have a tough "Quest" which I have to go to that Gym through this street. The quest gets more harder when I got hungry (o.O)" eeerrrrr

Thursday, November 02, 2006
!!!!!!!! Kuwait's Mega Project !!!!!!!!!
On 31/03/05 Kuwait announced plans for Madinat Al Hareer (City of Silk) that cost 25 billion KD = $73 billion and the will take 25 years, 6-8 years for first step.
As you see, this is a picture of Kuwait's bay where Kuwait City is located on the southern side of the bay and Kuwait's mega project "Silk City" is located on the northern side. I took this picture from Google earth and I added the project on the picture. The project LOOKS ROCK!! Moreover; the New City location is really amazing with located on "Sabeya or 9abeya" desert.
Is not clear but I think the city include 6 cities. Beside these 6 cities, there are some cities I'm not sure about them: Media city and industrial city. Here some pics on the six cities

In the Business City's downtown there is a skyscraper called "Mubarak Tower". The height of this tower will be about 1001 meters height, so it will be higher than "Dubai Tower" here a picture for those towers: